
Make website searchable
Professional blogging course
Domain setup & customized design
Pinterest traffic course
Full SEO
Free template*
Custom Favicon



Cornerstone pages SEO
Domain setup & customized design
Free Template*
Make website searchable
Claim website



Domain setup & customization
Free template*


Social media is a big deal, but every creative and business owner should have their own website. Your website is the perfect place to showcase all aspects of you, and should reflect your brand.

website builder package


Pinterest Course
Set up, Clean, & Organize Boards
Claim Website
Optimize Profile
Optimize Boards
Custom Pin creation & Free Templates
Blogging Crash Course
and more...



Claim Website
Pinterest & Blogging Crash Course
Pinterest Clean Up & Reset
Profile Optimization
Free Pin Templates
Make website searchable
Claim website



Profile Audit
Basic Pinterest Setup
Profile Optimization
5 free basic pin templates


Pinterest is the place where everyone has something to offer. I've grown my personal brand through the power of Pinterest. I'd love to help you harness the power of Pinterest and grow your own brand!

Pinterest package