Fancy Non-Alcoholic Drinks You Need to Try in 2023

If you’re looking for my non-alcoholic peach raspberry lemonade or any of the other 9 irresistible fancy nonalcoholic drinks…. you’ve come to the right place.

This year easy mocktail recipes are all the rage. That’s right! People are trading the buzz of alcohol for the complex flavors of sophisticated mocktails. If you add beautiful drinking glasses, fancy ice cubes, and beautiful garnishes… you won’t miss the liquor at all. If you are ready to try some delicious virgin cocktails in 2023, keep reading.

Before we get started, I have to let you know a few things. Throughout this post you’ll see several links to products. If you click these links and make a purchase, I’ll make a small commission. I never want anyone to feel obligated to make a purchase but I appreciate every ounce of support. Thank you. Now back to our regularly scheduled post!

Cocktail Garnish Ideas

Before we get into these beautiful virgin cocktails, let’s talk about drink garnishes. A cocktail garnish can transform your cocktail from a regular smegular drink to a fancy at home mocktail. You do not have to go out an buy a ton of fancy things or expensive items. Instead you want to focus on cocktail garnishes that make sense. Here are a few tips for garnishing your drinks.

Cocktail Garnish Tips

  • Use edible garnishes. No one wants inedible items on their plate and the same sentiment goes for your drinks. Edible garnishes are the best! Not only can these add to the visual interest of the cocktail by adding color and texture, an edible garnish can add flavor and aroma.
  • Use garnishes that make sense and compliment the drink. This one seems like it would be common sense but it can be easy to get caught up in the hubbub of mocktail making and make a mistake like this. Consider the flavors of the drink. Then use the flavors to decide what garnishes to add.

Best Cocktail Garnish

Here are a few of my favorite drink garnishes to use for mocktails.

  • Edible Flowers
  • Orange Peels
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Herbs
  • Fruit Wedges
  • Cocktail Cherries
  • Skewers
  • Dehydrated Fruits
  • Cucumber Ribbons

Fancy Ice Cube Trays

2022 brought us a lot of wild and crazy things. Unique ice trays were one of the best! I must admit that I absolutely love this trend! I hope it is here to stay. Fancy ice trays can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Everything from giant square ice cubes that are so large that you only need 1 per glass to cute little perfectly round ice cubes… I’m loving it all. Below are a few of my favorite fancy ice cube trays. (I have to let you know if you click the link and make a purchase, I will make a small percentage.)

Fancy Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Nonalcoholic drinks are all the rage this year. If you would like to join the fun, just keep reading! Below are a few of my favorite virgin drinks from all around the website.

BONUS: Below, you’ll find my peach raspberry lemonade recipe. You will love it!

Refreshing Ginger Lemonade

I made this recipe a few weeks ago, and I fell in love! It’s the perfect combination of sweet lemonade and tangy ginger. Not only is it delicious, but it can be used as a detox or base for a virgin cocktail. Here is the full recipe.

ginger lemonade

Non Alcoholic Sangria

Sangria is the quintessential drink for social drinkers. Growing up, my parents didn’t drink so the only drink I ever knew of was sangrias (thank you mid-week sitcoms). Once I was of drinking age, the first drink I ordered was a sangria. Turns out, I’m more of a tequila or champagne girl, but I still know plenty of ladies who enjoy a delicious sangria. So this one is for them. Next time you want a sweet drink, try this nonalcoholic sangria.

non alcoholic sangria mocktail
Non Alcoholic Sangria Mocktail

Non-Alcoholic Peach Bellini

Peach Bellini’s are hands down one of my favorite cocktails to sip when I go out with my girls. This virgin peach Bellini recipe is so simple. It contains fresh peaches, peach juice, and sparkling cider.

Non Alcoholic Peach Bellini
Non Alcoholic Peach Bellini

Ginger Beer Hibiscus Mocktail

If you’re ready to try new stronger flavors, this ginger beer hibiscus mocktail is perfect. It combines sweet hibiscus syrup, fresh passion fruit juice, and flavorful ginger beer. I find the combination of flavors to be refreshing, and perfect for summer!

Ginger Beer Hibiscus mocktail
Ginger Beer Hibiscus Mocktail

Non-Alcoholic Frozen Strawberry Margarita

It’s always a good time for a frozen margarita… especially when it’s a non-alcoholic one! You don’t have to give up the delicious cooling of fresh margaritas. Try this Non Alcoholic Frozen Strawberry Margarita.

non alcoholic frozen strawberry margarita
Non Alcoholic Frozen Strawberry Margarita

Sparkling Lime Mint Punch

Everyone loves a good punch at parties. I find this recipe to be surprisingly refreshing and unique. For our next party, bring this sparkling lime mint punch.

Sparkling Lime Mint Punch
Sparkling Lime Mint Punch

Watermelon Cucumber Summer Mocktail

I saved the best for last! I love this watermelon cucumber mocktail! It’s so refreshing and delicious! This recipe is super simple and only takes a few minutes. For your next cookout, bring this and wow the party.

I hope you enjoy these delicious nonalcholic mocktails!

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